Miemie Yang
What does "one hell of a ride" means and under what circumstances can it be used? Thx!
23 cze 2017 02:03
Odpowiedzi · 13
反正不是有道字典翻译的 “一场地狱之旅” 哈哈哈,笑死我了。 one hell of a ride主要有两个意思: 1. 字面的意思:ride是“乘坐”的意思,就像Roy说的: (After riding a roller coaster) 你可以说:That roller coaster was awesome! 你也可以说:That was one hell of a ride! 意思是一样的。 2. 比较抽象的意思:这里的“ride”是指一个过程,一段经历: A: How would you describe your time in the army? B: It was one hell of a ride, sir. 但不管是1还是2,one hell of a ride 带有 "刺激, 好玩, 兴奋等" 的意思
23 czerwca 2017
It can be deployed in multiple circumstances - for example, you could hear that at the end of a chase sequence in an action movie, where one character (usually a sidekick character) slaps the main character on the back and loudly declares, "Wow, that was one hell of a ride!", in which case the phrase is an expression of exultation and coming down off the adrenaline high of the hair-raising chase. On the other hand, you might also use the phrase to describe a longer, more abstract process, as with the professor who comments to a new acquaintance at a cocktail party that his career has been, in summation, "One hell of a ride." So you see, it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with an exciting car chase or a roller coaster ride. On many occasions it does, but like many colloquialisms it's often used highly metaphorically in other situations. Hope that helps.
23 czerwca 2017
After riding a fast roller coaster a person could say "that was one hell of a ride".
23 czerwca 2017
That was a pretty crazy ride. "One hell" is putting emphasis on how amazing or how bad that ride was
23 czerwca 2017
"One hell of an X" is an emphatic, emotional way of saying something is very big or very intense--sometimes, very bad. It would always be said in a loud, enthusiastic way. It is an informal expression. It's informal because "hell" is a borderline "bad word." When I was a child in the 1950s, "hell," used as a swear word, was still considered a bad word, which you would never hear on television; people would say "heck" instead. There's a U.S. company that makes products with names like "Heluva Good! Cheese Dip." It was founded in 1925 and of course the point is that when you read it aloud, it is "hell of a good cheese dip," but by spelling it that way they avoided using the bad word. "Hell of a" can be used in many ways. (Don't use it yourself, just be aware of the meaning). In a musical play called "Carousel," the hero, an uneducated man, says to his girlfriend "There's a hell of a lot of stars in the sky, and the sky's so big the sea looks small." The idea is that you are expressing such an intensity of emotion that you go just slightly outside the bounds of polite English. "It was a good show." Stronger: "It was a fantastic show." Even stronger: "It was a hell of a show." "Ride" can be literal. "A hell of a ride" means an exciting ride. A ride on a difficult horse, or a roller-coaster, or an airplane with the pilot doing aerobatic stunts. Or, it can mean, figuratively, a part of one's life or career. "I worked for a crazy start-up company until it folded. It only lasted two years, but it was a hell of a ride while it lasted."
23 czerwca 2017
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