I am the one who used to freely take advice from others or confide to others easily. Now I am doing it less and less but still do. Yesterday, I realized that I might be looked down on by doing so. Therefore, I need to be strong sometimes and keep silent when I attempt to share.
3 paź 2024 10:30
Poprawki · 6
I am one who used to freely take advice from others or confide to others readily. Now I do it less and less. Yesterday, I realized that I might be looked down upon on by doing so. Therefore, I need to be careful sometimes and keep silent when I am tempted to share. There are no grammatical errors. "the one" sounds wrong. Instead, say "one" or "someone". It would even be permissible, but less common, to use "she". I don't think "strong" is a good word because strength is not what is required. What is required is judgement and caution.
3 paź 2024 13:11
I used to freely take advice from others or confide in others easily. Now I am doing it less and less, but still do. Yesterday, I realized that I might be looked down on by doing so. Therefore, I need to be strong sometimes and keep silent instead of sharing.
3 paź 2024 11:47
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