FORWARD-SWEPT WINGS Forward-swept wing looks really unusual. The better-known design is the Russian experimental fighter, the Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut. With the tips located forward of the point where the wings are connected to the fuselage, the plane almost looks as if it is flying backwards. Negative sweep (sweepfarward) has following advantages: - It decreases induced drag as the airflow moves from the wing tips towards fuselage - As a result ii increases lift-to-drag ratio and take off and landings characteristics - Increases controllability The main disadvantage is that the forward-swept wing is exposed to a torsion of wing. This phenomenon is also known as divergence – when the lift force on forward-swept wing twist the tip upwards. As a result it can lead to destruction. Thus the construction of the wing has to be strict enough to withstand these forces. Constructors also faced with aerodynamic shakings caused by reverse airflow on the wing which encounter the airflow from the fuselage. In addition to the mentioned above its important to highlight that this kind of wing is not good for high supersonic speed. The solution of these problems were not found so whole experiments were closed.
28 sty 2021 21:38
Poprawki · 3
FORWARD-SWEPT WINGS Forward-swept wing looks really unusual. The better-known design is the Russian experimental fighter, the Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut. With the tips located forward of the point where the wings are connected to the fuselage, the plane almost looks as if it is flying backwards. Negative sweep (sweepfarward) has the following advantages: - It decreases induced drag as the airflow moves from the wing tips towards fuselage - As a result ii increases lift-to-drag ratio and take off and landings characteristics - Increases controllability The main disadvantage is that the forward-swept wing is exposed to a torsion of wing. This phenomenon is also known as divergence – when the lift force on forward-swept wing twist the tip upwards. As a result it can lead to destruction. Thus the construction of the wing has to be strict enough to withstand these forces. Constructors also faced with aerodynamic shakings caused by reverse airflow on the wing which encounter the airflow from the fuselage. In addition to the mentioned above its important to highlight that this kind of wing is not good for high supersonic speed. The solutions to these problems were not found so further experiments were ended.
29 stycznia 2021
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