Hoping to help you achieve the confidence to speak! Book a trial lesson! :)
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Hoping to help you achieve the confidence to speak! Book a trial lesson! :)
O mnie
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Moje lekcje & Styl nauczania
Z: BrazyliaMiejsce zamieszkania: Sao Paulo, Brazylia (17:58 UTC-03:00)
O mnie
Nauczyciel italki od 13 Jan 2022
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Hi, my name is Julia and I'm 22 years old. I'm Brazilian, my second language is English, which I have been studying since I was 13 years old. When we're trying to learn a new language, communication and boldness are the two most important things you need in order to succed. Oi, meu nome é Júlia, tenho 22 anos e eu sou brasileira, minha língua materna é o português, minha segunfa língua é o inglês, que eu venhoo aprendendo desde os meus 13 anos de idade. Quando estamos aprendendo uma língua nova, é importante ter comunicação e não ter vergonha, pois você irá cometer erros ao longo do caminho e está tudo bem! Erros são uma outra forma de aprendizagem.
Ja jako nauczyciel
When I was a senior I started tutoring my classmates in High School during our English classes, since most of them were afraid of talking to each other, I helped them with that, with easy conversations and trying to get them to be interested in speaking. Afterwards I became a teacher at the English school I went to in the town I live in, I teach since children to adults. Quando estava no último ano do ensino médio, fui tutora dos meus colegas de classe nas aulas de inglês, ajudei eles com conversação e despertei o interesse em aprender a falar inglês. Após algum tempo, me tornei professora de inglês na escola de inglês que estudei, ensino crianças e adultos.
Moje lekcje & Styl nauczania
I like to have a conversation with the student to see which method fits better to them, since each student has their own way of learning. I think that's important to know; what your students are comfortable with before you start a new lesson. So, my classes can change to one another. Gosto de ter uma conversa com o aluno antes de qualquer aula, para saber o que ele precisa e com o que ele mais se sente confortável. O estilo de aula pode mudar de aluno a aluno.
Moje materiały dydaktyczne
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Artykuły i aktualności
Prace domowe
angielski Lekcje
Lekcja próbna
Ukończone lekcje: 95
USD 8.00+
Losing the fear of speaking in English/ Perdendo o medo de falar em inglês
A1 - C1OgólneUkończone lekcje: 536
USD 10.00+
Pakiet z 20% zniżki
Według Twojej strefy czasowej (UTC+00:00)
38 opinie/i
Emmanuel Guimaraes
47 lekcje/i angielski
Wybór nauczyciela
Teacher Julia is excellent. She explains and helps us very easily. I'm learning a lot.
18 paź 2024
2 lekcje/i angielski
Wybór nauczyciela
It was a pleasure to have a class with you. I´m sure you´ll help me a lot to get another level. See you
13 sie 2024
1 lekcja angielski
Muito simpática e paciente
27 gru 2024
Ernesto Castellanos
15 lekcje/i angielski
Wybór nauczyciela
Teacher Julia is excellent
16 wrz 2024
Ericka Maria Fernand
1 lekcja angielski
I had a good experiencia with Julia, she explains very well and shows interest in your learning.
9 sty 2025
Valéria de Paula
1 lekcja angielski
The teacher is very nice and I’m feel so comfortable with her.