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Hi everybody! My name's Ilaria. I'm from Milan but I live in the east parte of Sicily. I studied foreign languages during the high school (English, German and French) and at the University (Spanish, Russian and a bit of Portuguese). I love travelling and finding new friends to talk with...improving my languages and learning about their culture.
I decided to learn foreign languages when I was 10 years old...I couldn't understand English songs and I couldn't sing them :D That's why I started foreign languages at school...but I still have difficulties understanding English songs :P In any case...I sing them all the same!!
Ja jako nauczyciel
I started teaching Italian when I wanted to improve my German for work, so when I got paid I used the money to buy new German classes. I found this activity very interesting and fun. It was amazing how many people wanted to learn Italian and learn about Italian culture. Listening to my students improving day after day was really satisfying. I studied a lot of Italian during school, so I know very well what I'm trying to teach you. I know how difficult it can be to learn a new language, and to keep it ''alive”! That's something I'm doing too, so I can help you with all my knowledge.
Moje lekcje & Styl nauczania
I like talking very much and listening too. During the class we will have great conversation about whatever you want. I can prepare the topic some days before. I often use videos, songs or audio files to improve oral comprehenshion, books or short excerpts to improve reading ability. I also can help you with grammar excercises. It's up to you, we can structure the class as you prefer! I am very patient and at your disposal.
Moje materiały dydaktyczne
Plik PDF
Dokumenty tekstowe
Pliki audio
Pliki graficzne
Pliki wideo
Artykuły i aktualności
Przykładowe pytania testowe
Prace domowe
2007 - 2011
Licencjat - Lingue e letterature straniereuniversità degli studi di MilanoLaurea in lingua spagnola e russa
włoski Lekcje
Lekcja próbna
Ukończone lekcje: 145
USD 5.00+
Conversazione - Parlando parlando...si impara!
A2 - C2KonwersacjeUkończone lekcje: 1,547
USD 9.00+
Pakiet z 5% zniżki
Conversazione e attività
A2 - C2OgólneUkończone lekcje: 75
USD 10.99+
Pakiet z 5% zniżki
Absolute Beginners
A1OgólneUkończone lekcje: 96
USD 11.99+
Pakiet z 5% zniżki
Według Twojej strefy czasowej (UTC+00:00)
623 opinie/i
Franco D
22 lekcje/i włoski
Wybór nauczyciela
It was so nice to have another conversation with Ilaria. I enjoyed "catching up" on what we were doing the last few weeks. She gave me some new phrases and vocabulary. She has a great way of expressing the corrections with examples.
4 cze 2016
46 lekcje/i włoski
Wybór nauczyciela
Oggi è un giorno speciale . Un anno fa abbiamo fatto la nostra prima lezione. Ho iniziato un bel percorso nel apprendimento dell'italiano con l'una delle migliori professoresse che ho mai avuto. Ilaria, per me è una gioia innefabile di poter avuto conoscerti ed imparare questa meravigliosa lingua assieme a te. Sei una persona molto carina e una bravissima insegnante. Hai inoltre un talento nato per questo mestiere. Grazie per tutto, a presto :)
29 sty 2016
4 lekcje/i włoski
Highly efficient 30minutes with Ilaria
1 paź 2024
1 lekcja włoski
Wybór nauczyciela
Ilaria is a very friendly and knowledgeable teacher! This was our first lesson, and my first "formal" lesson in Italian. I only knew a few words and by the end of the lesson I felt like I had learned a lot in so little time. Thank you! :)
30 mar 2016
1 lekcja włoski
Ilaria ist sehr offen und sympatisch. ich habe das Gespräch mit ihr als sehr entspannt erlebt.
ich empfehle sie gerne writer.
4 paź 2024
Maria A.
5 lekcje/i włoski
I really enjoy working with Ilaria. She is patient and gives a lot of helpful feedback during our conversations. I appreciate the materials she shares to help me practice in between lessons. Looking forward to our next lesson!