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Helo a chroeso! Annwylun ydw i, o Bontypridd, de Cymru.
Dw i wedi bod yn gweithio fel Tiwtor Cymraeg rhan-amser ers pedair blynedd nawr, ac yn dal i fwynhau yn gynyddol addysgu a chynorthwyo eraill i ddysgu fy mamiaith!
Yn ogystal â dysgu, myfyriwr ydw i ym Mhrifysgol Bryste, yn fy nhrydedd flwyddyn yn astudio cwrs milfeddygaeth.
Hello and welcome! I’m Annwylun, from Pontypridd, South Wales.
I’ve been working as a Welsh tutor for four years now, and still find myself increasingly enjoying the process of teaching and enabling others to master my native tongue!
Alongside tutoring, I am a student at the University of Bristol, in my third year of studying Veterinary Medicine.
Ja jako nauczyciel
Trwy wario dros fil o oriau yn dysgu'r Gymraeg, rwyf yn gyfarwydd iawn â’r cwrs cenedlaethol ‘Dysgu Cymraeg’ (mynediad, sylfaen ag uwch) i oedolion. Hefyd, rwyf wedi dysgu dros 30 o blant yn gyson, oedrannau’r derbyn i’r chweched ddosbarth, yn cynorthwyo eu gwelliant.
With over a thousand hours of Cymraeg tutoring experience, I am very familiar with 'Dysgu Cymraeg's' Mynediad, Sylfaen and Uwch courses for adult learners. I have consistently taught over 30 secondary and primary school children (of all learning abilities), enabling their progression.
I have the skillset and materials to tutor first-language students up to GCSE Level and second-language students at any level.
Moje lekcje & Styl nauczania
 hyder rwyf yn dysgu â’r geiriau “gwell Cymraeg slac na Saesneg slic” yn fy mhen. Er fy mod yn credu’n gryf mewn addasu pob gwers i anghenion y dysgwr, credaf taw ymarfer trafod ac ymateb ydy’r ffordd fwyaf effeithlon o ddysgu’r Gymraeg. Fy nod i yw magu hyder i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg yn y byd go-iawn. Ond os taw gramadeg yw eich angerdd, wrth gwrs cawn astudio treigladau i’ch bodlonrwydd!
I teach with the old classroom saying in mind, “Better poor Welsh than impeccable English”. Although I strongly believe in adapting every lesson to the learner’s style and need, I do believe that practice and practice again, conversing in Welsh, is the most effective way of learning the language.
Moje materiały dydaktyczne
Plik PDF
Dokumenty tekstowe
Slajdy prezentacji/PPT
Pliki wideo
Artykuły i aktualności
Prace domowe
walijski Lekcje
Lekcja próbna
Ukończone lekcje: 40
USD 9.00+
KS1-KS5 Welsh Lessons (school age 4-18)
A1 - C2OgólneUkończone lekcje: 47
USD 12.63+
Pakiet z 5% zniżki
Gwersi Cymraeg i oedolion - Welsh Lessons for adults (beginners-advanced)
A1 - C2OgólneUkończone lekcje: 287
USD 12.66+
Pakiet z 6% zniżki
Według Twojej strefy czasowej (UTC+00:00)
48 opinie/i
George F Thomas
4 lekcje/i walijski
Annwylun is a great teacher and is very patient and encouraging. I feel my Welsh has improved a lot in just a few lesson with her. Diolch!
19 mar 2025
Nick Hudson
18 lekcje/i walijski
Annwylun is a great Welsh teacher and I would recommend her to anyone who wants to improve their Welsh!
27 lut 2025
3 lekcje/i walijski
Annwylun is so friendly that I felt I knew her for a long time. Her teaching style suits very much my learning style. I really look forward to my 2nd lesson with Annwylun.
5 lut 2025
Nick Hudson
18 lekcje/i walijski
Annwylun is an excellent teacher and I recommend her to anyone who wants to improve their Welsh.
13 mar 2025
Nick Hudson
18 lekcje/i walijski
Ro'n i'n mwynhau'r dosbarth, Annwylun. Dioch!
13 lut 2025
Maureen M.
8 lekcje/i walijski
Today we went through some exercises using "bod". Very useful!