nauczyciel japoński Sachi


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✨会話(かいわ)をたくさんしましょう! 間違(まちが)いこそが学(まな)びです✨
Z: JaponiaMiejsce zamieszkania: Other, Japonia (11:40 UTC+09:00)
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Nauczyciel italki od 14 Oct 2024
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🌸こんにちは!私(わたし)はさちです。日本人(にほんじん)で日本(にほん)に住(す)んでいます。日本語(にほんご)を教(おし)える資格(しかく)を持(も)っています。 🌸趣味(しゅみ)は日本(にほん)や海外(かいがい)を旅行(りょこう)することです。料理(りょうり)も大好き(だいすき)です。 🌸前(まえ)は、英語(えいご)の先生(せんせい)でした。その経験(けいけん)から、人(ひと)は言語(げんご)を、聞(き)いて、真似(まね)をして、話(はな)して習得(しゅうとく)するのだと感(かん)じました。たくさん日本語(にほんご)を話(はな)しましょう! 🌸レストランを経営(けいえい)していたこともあります。たくさん面接(めんせつ)をしたので、日本(にほん)で働(はたら)きたい方(かた)は一緒(いっしょ)に面接(めんせつ)の練習(れんしゅう)をしましょう!合格(ごうかく)のヒントもお伝(つた)えします。 🌸人は私のことを、【明(あか)るい】【元気(げんき)】【話(はな)しやすい】と言(い)ってくれます。会話(かいわ)の練習相手(れんしゅうあいて)にぴったりですよ! 🌸モットーは、【楽(たの)しくなければ続(つづ)かない】です。リラックスして、たくさん話(はなし)をしましょう!

japoński Lekcje

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57 opinie/i

Uczeń VishaL
34 lekcje/i japoński
Wybór nauczyciela
When I started the classes I was so very nervous, always felt stressed to speak, as my level of understanding was low and there was no proper environment for language learning. However, my Japanese started improving when I started to speak with Sachieさん who is extremely amicable! With and art to explain and great listening ability, all conversations with her proved to be interesting. The new learnt vocabularies were put into practice during speech and she encouraged to build own sentences based on grammar learnt. Sachieさん meets all my expectations. Infact conversing with her is so much fun. Hats off to you !!!
13 gru 2024
Uczeń Erika
12 lekcje/i japoński
Wybór nauczyciela
Another really fun conversation! Totally took my mind off of stressful news. I also really appreciate that Sachi先生 sends a PDF of mistakes that I made with brief explanations where necessary. iTalki categorizes teachers based on whether they are community tutors or professional teacher, and I have taken lots of lessons with both over the past 10 years. Although Sachi先生 is technically a "community tutor," her lessons feel more like those of a professional teacher since she prepares materials, explains grammar/vocab points in a very clear way, and provides feedback.
8 lis 2024
Uczeń VishaL
34 lekcje/i japoński
Unlike any other Japanese teacher, Sachieさん is a amazing personality and one can easily get connected. She is simple, dedicated and passionate to teach Japanese, way beyond our expectation. Her classes are incredibly effective as she provides real time scenarios, elaborates with examples and sometime explains in English, when comprehending Japanese goes beyond our understanding limits. Besides being extremely attentive towards pronunciation, she allows conversation to flow and correcting mistakes occasionally wherein this approach truly boost confidence in speech and listening capabilities. Learning Japanese seemed to be a humongous task back then while today pursing my goal seems to be accomplished in my near future. Sachieさんいままで教えてくれてどうもありがとうございました。次のクラスを楽しみにしています。
27 lut 2025
Uczeń Fabrice ファブリス
Fabrice ファブリス
5 lekcje/i japoński
Wybór nauczyciela
Sachi-san is a great teacher. She made a point to understand my goals and we jump right into doing the work as it should! Highly recommended teacher!
9 lis 2024
Uczeń Ryan
13 lekcje/i japoński
Great lesson! Thank you!😊
3 mar 2025
Uczeń Ryan
13 lekcje/i japoński
Great lesson! Thank you! :)
21 lut 2025
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