Temat zgodny z zainteresowaniamiSztukaFilmyPisanieMuzykaCzytanie
Hi, I am Anastasiia. I've worked as a tutor for almost 5 years now and I still enjoy doing it as much as I did when I had just started. I love helping other people learn a different language by sharing my knowledge and using a creative approach as I am also a musician, who loves learning new things and improve my skills every day.
Ja jako nauczyciel
If I could describe myself as a teacher in 3 words it would be : kind, patient and empathetic
Moje lekcje & Styl nauczania
My lessons are always interesting, informative and I do my best to make them as fun as possible, even though it is pretty hard sometimes with the amount of grammar that we have to cover, but I'm always looking for new ways to improve my teaching style and come up with an individual plan for every student, so it doesn't feel like a burden or hard work.
Moje materiały dydaktyczne
Dokumenty tekstowe
Pliki audio
Slajdy prezentacji/PPT
Pliki wideo
Plik PDF
Pliki graficzne
Artykuły i aktualności
ukraiński Lekcje
Ukrainian Language / Basics
A1 - A2OgólneUkończone lekcje: 0
USD 19.00+
Pakiet z 16% zniżki
Według Twojej strefy czasowej (UTC+00:00)
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