Temat zgodny z zainteresowaniamiPodróżeŚrodowisko naturalne i przyrodaSztukaCzytanieHistoria
I'm Hana mol. I live in India. I like to read , travel and watch Sign Language videos..
Teaching is not just a profession but a passion for me.
I have been helping unprivileged deaf sign language for a long time. And my hearing people around me. I'm happy to help you to understand and communicate with the deaf community around you.
Ja jako nauczyciel
I'm Hana mol. I live in India. I like to read , travel and watch Sign Language videos..
Teaching is not just a profession but a passion for me.
I have been helping unprivileged deaf sign language for a long time. And my hearing people around me. I'm happy to help you to understand and communicate with the deaf community around you.
Moje lekcje & Styl nauczania
I teach Sign Language and teach other topics using Sign Language too. I teach deaf who don't know Sign Language and I am an expert in teaching hearing people my language - Sign Language.
Moje materiały dydaktyczne
Pliki wideo
Dokumenty tekstowe
Plik PDF
Pliki graficzne
2014 - 2017
Licencjat - Diploma in Computer EngineeringKerala Government PolyTechnic CollegeStudied about various about the design, development and testing of computer systems and hardware.
język migowy (inny) Lekcje
Lekcja próbna
Ukończone lekcje: 0
USD 30.00+
English Tutor for Deaf people
A1 - C1OgólneUkończone lekcje: 0
USD 50.00+
Według Twojej strefy czasowej (UTC+00:00)
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