Course "Methods of teaching RAF" - International center of Russian language - 2023Course "Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language (RAF)"
Program of additional education #1 - RUDN University - 2022Дистанционное обучение по программе дополнительного образования "Методика преподавания РКИ посредством мультипликации и детской литературы", 16 академических часов
Distance learning according to the program of additional education "Methods of teaching RFL through animation and children's literature", 16 academic hours
Program of additional education #4 - RUDN University - 2022Дистанционное обучение по программе дополнительного образования "Воспитание сказкой", 16 академических часов
Distance learning according to the program of additional education "Nurturing by a fairytale", 16 academic hours
Program of additional education #3 - RUDN University - 2022Дистанционное обучение по программе дополнительного образования "Русский язык - да!", 16 академических часов
Distance learning according to the program of additional education "The Russian language - yes!", 16 academic hours
Program of additional education #2 - RUDN University - 2022Дистанционное обучение по программе дополнительного образования "Изучаем культуру России (на литературном материале)", 18 академических часов
Distance learning according to the program of additional education "Studying the culture of Russia (based on literary material)", 18 academic hours