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Speaking a new language fluently is definitely possible!
I'm a passionate teacher and tutor with 6 years of experience on- and offline. Before my teaching career I was a consultant for international companies in Hungary as well as in the UK.
I'm glad I've had the opportunity to travel the world: I've been to and lived in more than 80 countries so far.
I'd love to invite you too for a language learning journey. Let's get onboard! :)
Magyar közösségi nyelvtanár vagyok, 6 éves tapasztalattal az angol nyelv online és középiskolai tanításában. Az anyanyelvemet 2024 közepe óta oktatom.
Várlak szeretettel!
Ja jako nauczyciel
With me you will learn more than just a language. We will improve your
-> communication (speaking) skills
-> presentation skills (Business Hungarian / English)
-> pronunciation
-> reading and writing
-> and you name it.
I'm happy to tailor my lessons to your specific needs.
A segítségemmel nem csak egy nyelvet fogsz megtanulni, de fejlesztjük többek között a
-> beszédkészséged
-> prezentációkészséged (üzleti magyar)
-> kiejtésed
-> írás- és olvasáskészséged
-> és amit még szeretnél.
Moje lekcje & Styl nauczania
I can help you speak Hungarian confidently, fluently, while we are having fun!
How? I am passionate about teaching and I am also very patient. I would love to be your guide through the difficult process of learning my somewhat difficult mother tongue.
Let’s start today! Please watch my video and book a trial lesson.
I can’t wait to teach you!
Segítségemmel magabiztosan, folyékonyan megtanulhatsz magyarul, miközben még jól is érezzük magunkat!
Hogyan? Szenvedélyem a tanítás, és nagyon türelmes is vagyok. Szeretnék a segítségedre lenni a kissé nehéz anyanyelvem megtanulásának útján.
Kezdjük el még ma! Nézd meg a videómat és jelentkezz egy próbaórára.
Várlak szeretettel!
Moje materiały dydaktyczne
Plik PDF
Dokumenty tekstowe
Pliki audio
Pliki graficzne
Pliki wideo
Artykuły i aktualności
Przykładowe pytania testowe
Schematy i wykresy
Prace domowe
IELTS preparation - Global TEFL - 2023
Teaching Business English - Udemy - 2020
120 hour TEFL - Premier TEFL - 2019
2004 - 2009
Magisterium - Human GeographyELTE University of Sciences
Doświadczenie zawodowe
2019 - 2020
Teacher of EnglishMinistry of Education, Chile - Lonquimay, Chile
2020 - Obecny
Teaching online and offlinePrivate teacher - Papa, WęgryI have been teaching for the last four years and this has given me plenty of hands-on experience. I am passionate about teaching and I love kids and enjoy tutoring adults too. I want my students to enjoy learning English with me and to become confident and happy English speakers!
węgierski Lekcje
Lekcja próbna
Ukończone lekcje: 15
USD 5.00+
Real Life Hungarian!
A1 - C2KonwersacjeUkończone lekcje: 96
USD 16.80+
Pakiet z 5% zniżki
Real Life Hungarian - Legacy Students Only
A1 - C2KonwersacjeUkończone lekcje: 3
USD 14.79+
Pakiet z 5% zniżki
Według Twojej strefy czasowej (UTC+00:00)
18 opinie/i
Travis Konderak
12 lekcje/i węgierski
Wybór nauczyciela
he is a very professional teacher. I will definitely be taking more classes. Does an excellent job of explaining things because his English is native English speaker level, so there is no ambiguity whatsoever in the explanations. Cheers
19 gru 2024
2 lekcje/i węgierski
Wybór nauczyciela
Köszönöm szépen Daniel! Szép munka, hogy segítettél valakinek, aki először beszél magyarul. It isn't easy to talk to beginners speaking for the first time but he was patient and helpful.
8 paź 2024
9 lekcje/i węgierski
Daniel is always very patient and able to adapt to ensure i understand.
28 lut 2025
Jack Greenspan
11 lekcje/i węgierski
Wybór nauczyciela
An excellent teacher! Daniel is very good at explaining both grammar and vocabulary concepts.
4 gru 2024
9 lekcje/i węgierski
great lesson again!
4 mar 2025
5 lekcje/i węgierski
I just completed my 5th lesson with Daniel to brush up on my Hungarian, and it's been a fantastic experience! He's not only fun and funny, but also incredibly patient and kind. He comes up with creative ways to help me regain my confidence in speaking and using the language, which had gotten a bit rusty. His teaching style really puts you at ease and makes learning enjoyable. I'm truly grateful for his patience and highly recommend booking a lesson with him if you're looking to improve your Hungarian!