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Hi. I am Jacob from Guangdong, China. My mother languages are Mandarin and Cantonese. I can also speak English, Spanish and Portuguese fluently. I am willing to help you learn any language that I know.
Hola. Soy Jacob de China. Mis idiomas maternos son chino mandarín y cantonés. Además, puedo hablar inglés, español y portugués con fluidez. Estoy aquí para ayudarte a aprender las lenguas!
Olá! Meu nome é Jacob. Sou chinês e falo mandarim e cantonês como línguas maternas. Além disso, posso falar espanhol, inglês e português fluentemente. Estou aqui para te ajudar a aprender as línguas!
Ja jako nauczyciel
I have been teaching languages online since 2012 and have had more than 1600 lessons with over 450 students from all over the world. I have Master's degrees in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language and English Linguistics.
Ya llevo muchos años enseñando lenguas en línea y he tenido más de 1600 clases con más de 450 alumnos de todo el mundo. También hice másteres en Enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjera y Lingüística Inglesa.
Ensino línguas online desde 2012 e tive mais de 1600 aulas com mais de 450 alunos de todo o mundo. Também fiz mestrados em Ensino de Espanhol como Língua Estrangeira e Lingüística Inglesa.
Moje lekcje & Styl nauczania
I offer structured lessons with professional materials. I can help you with your pronunciation, reading, listening, writing, grammar, speaking and test preparation. Students of all levels are welcome!
Ofrezco clases estructuradas con materiales profesionales. Puedo ayudarte con tu pronunciación, lectura, comprensión auditiva, escritura, gramática, expresión oral y preparación para exámenes. Alumnos de todos los niveles son bienvenidos.
Ofereço aulas estruturadas com materiais profissionais. Posso te ajudar com a pronúncia, leitura, compreensão auditiva, redação, gramática, conversação e preparação para exames. Alunos de todos os níveis são bem-vindos.
Moje materiały dydaktyczne
Plik PDF
Dokumenty tekstowe
Slajdy prezentacji/PPT
Pliki audio
Pliki graficzne
Pliki wideo
Artykuły i aktualności
Przykładowe pytania testowe
Schematy i wykresy
Prace domowe
Curso para preparadores del SIELE - Instituto Cervantes - 2020
DELE Examiner (A1, A2, A1 para escolares) - Instituto Cervantes - 2019
DELE Examiner (B1, B2) - Instituto Cervantes - 2019
Doświadczenie w nauczaniu
2019 - 2024
Chinese tutorPreply
2024 - 2024
Chinese tutorWise Panda
2018 - 2019
Magisterium - Teaching Spanish as a Foreign LanguageUniversity of Granada
2014 - 2018
Licencjat - Bachelor of Arts in SpanishGuangdong University of Foreign Studies
2019 - 2020
Magisterium - Master in English StudiesUniversity of Jaén
chiński (mandaryński) Lekcje
chiński (mandaryński)
chiński (kantoński)
Lekcja próbna
Ukończone lekcje: 163
USD 12.00+
One-on-One tutoring: Chinese (Mandarin)
A1 - C2OgólneUkończone lekcje: 934
USD 15.00+
Pakiet z 7% zniżki
Mandarin for Beginners | 初级中文
A1 - A2OgólneUkończone lekcje: 106
USD 15.00+
Pakiet z 7% zniżki
Conversation Practice in Mandarin | 中文对话练习
A2 - C2KonwersacjeUkończone lekcje: 65
USD 15.00+
Pakiet z 7% zniżki
Według Twojej strefy czasowej (UTC+00:00)
532 opinie/i
chiński (mandaryński)
chiński (kantoński)
64 lekcje/i chiński (mandaryński)
Wybór nauczyciela
Jacob is an excellent teacher. Always on time, professional and very well prepared for the lesson.
Very patient, can expalin grammar in easy to understand way.
My pronanuciation definetely improved as well as reading of the characters.
When asked, he will assign homework and then check it and point out any errors. His explenations are clear and easy to understand.
I enjoy Mandarin lessons with Jacob a lot.
Jacob is a very patient and thorough teacher. Before my first lesson, he asked a series of questions to make sure the class was suitable for my learning level (upper beginner) and aligned with my goals. He provides me with learning materials so we can use HSK criteria and methods to track my progress. His English is excellent so he is able to explain grammar concepts easily. He also assigns homework (at my request) to keep me accountable and studying between sessions. Taking classes with Jacob is very helpful to keep me diligent with learning Mandarin on a regular basis.