Native English speaker who loves writing and words.
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Native English speaker who loves writing and words.
O mnie
Ja jako nauczyciel
Moje lekcje & Styl nauczania
Z: Zjednoczone KrólestwoMiejsce zamieszkania: Quebec, Kanada (22:33 UTC-04:00)
O mnie
Nauczyciel italki od 24 Feb 2025
Temat zgodny z zainteresowaniamiCzytaniePisanieMuzykaPodróżeFilmy
Hey, I'm Frankie. I'm originally from England and now live in Quebec, Canada. I'm super interested in language and its relation with cultures and, as a language learner myself, I completely understand the challenges that can come with studying and finding confidence. It's for this reason that I love to help people reach their goals.
I love writing and I spend a lot of my free time as a music journalist, writing articles and doing interviews. I also love creating zines, knitting and crochet, running and exploring the outdoors!
Ja jako nauczyciel
My style is super relaxed as I want my students to feel confortable and free. As a result, if there are any particular subjects that you'd like to explore, or areas of the English language you're wanting to focus on, I will find the ressources to assist you.
Je parle aussi français et j'apprends l'espagnol. Je peux communiquer en français (et un petit peu en espagnol) mais je vous encourage à parler le plus possible en anglais pour tester vos connaissances et pour trouver des bons mots ☀️
Moje lekcje & Styl nauczania
✨ Topics can vary from basic grammar and conversation practice, to phonetics, linguistics and written English. For each class, a Google doc will be created with corrections/feedback so that you can keep track of all that has been said. Homework can also be given, especially for any written activities. ✨
Moje materiały dydaktyczne
Artykuły i aktualności
Dokumenty tekstowe
Plik PDF
angielski Lekcje
Written English for all levels ✏️
A1 - C2OgólneUkończone lekcje: 0
USD 15.00+
Pakiet z 10% zniżki
General English: Conversation, grammar, pronunciation 💬
A1 - C2KonwersacjeUkończone lekcje: 0
USD 15.00+
Pakiet z 10% zniżki
Według Twojej strefy czasowej (UTC+00:00)
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