I started learning Spanish with Matias at the elementary level (A1) approximately six months ago, and I am currently at the intermediate level (B1). There is still much to learn, but I believe it is an essential stage in the evolution of my language, which I have been greatly enjoying. Matías is welcoming, but also focused, steady, and patient. I appreciate his friendly teaching style, which is free of pressure or tension. For me to be able to improve my speaking abilities and overcome the language barrier, that environment is CRUCIAL.
Con la ayuda de un maestro fantástico, Matías, quiero continuar mi viaje hacia ser fluente o al menos semi-fluente en español.
Для тех, кто серьезно настроен выучить испанский язык и находится в поиске хорошего преподавателя, я уверена, что Матиас один из лучших преподавателей на этой платформе!
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