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Umów się na lekcje włoskiego online z naszymi wykwalifikowanymi nauczycielami aby uczyć się języka z domu.
Liczba lekcji: 4,083
L’italiano con Mela
Insegnante professionista con diversi anni di esperienza Sono un'insegnante empatica e comprensiva, capisco le difficoltà che si celano dietro il processo di apprendimento e per questo cerco di essere più chiara possibile. Mi piace confrontarmi con i miei studenti, avere conversazioni che spaziano dalle ricette per la pizza alla filosofia di Schopenhauer. Sono molto curiosa: mi piace scoprire cose nuove sulle lingue e le culture straniere, faccio molte domande e mi piace che mi vengano fatte delle domande.
Liczba lekcji: 1,222
Mattia Contarino
Applied linguistics and error analysis expert 📗📖📕 Teaching Italian and loving it since 2013💘🇮🇹 As a teacher, I always provide my students with thorough explanations and I always make sure that they comprehend what I say. You're here to learn Italian not to simply hear me talking, aren't you? Well, I guarantee you you'll understand each and every word ;) What about fun? Teaching has everything to do with human contact and the best way to transmit knowledge is through positive emotions. Whenever a certain information can be related to a positive event or situation, it's more likely to be collected in our memory. Indeed, scientific studies have proved how pivotal amygdala and hippocampus are during the learning process So yeah! We'll learn while having fun and have fun while learning!
Liczba lekcji: 2,243
Kevin Ferath
Polyglot teacher I can help you to become a POLYGLOT , I always try to make everything simple so my students can feel comfortable with the target language. Enseño con mi propio método, siempre trato de simplificar todo para que mis alumnos se sientan cómodos con el idioma elegido. Insegno con il mio metodo, cerco sempre di rendere tutto semplice in modo che i miei studenti possano sentirsi a proprio agio con la lingua che imparano. Eu ensino com meu próprio método, sempre tento de simplificar tudo para que meus alunos se sintam confortáveis com o idioma de estudo. J'enseigne avec ma propre méthode, j'essaie toujours de tout simplifier pour que mes élèves se sentent à l'aise avec la langue choissie.
Liczba lekcji: 692
Antonio Costantino
Italian teacher with over 3 years of experience | From beginner to expert | 😀 As a teacher, I focus on creating a welcoming and engaging environment where students feel at ease and motivated to learn. My lessons are tailored to the individual needs of each student, whether they are beginners or advanced learners. I believe that learning should be fun, interactive, and relevant, so I incorporate real-life situations, cultural insights, and practical exercises into my lessons. My goal is to help you build confidence, achieve your goals, and enjoy the process!
Liczba lekcji: 3,049
More than 6 years of teaching experience ✨ patient and easy-going 😊 Over the years I have taught people of all ages and from all over the world, I am very patient and empathetic, my students really appreciate these qualities and always tell me that I make them feel very comfortable. I know how difficult and frustrating it is to learn a new language so I think it is important to be encouraging and keep a positive attitude.
Liczba lekcji: 3,622
Passionate and fun Italian teacher, here to guide you to fluency with engaging, effective lessons! I'm a calm, patient, flexible and motivating teacher! I strive to make lessons fun and engaging while providing the structure that I think you need to move forward. I listen carefully to your needs and try to figure out what's best in order for you to learn and get better!
Liczba lekcji: 4,460
Francesco Quario
Certified Italian teacher with plenty of 1-on-1 experience, friendly and open-minded I received my certification from International House London, indicating excellent professionalism and the ability to help students learn an array of speaking, reading, listening and writing skills. I have been teaching online lessons on italki since 2022. I taught a variety of students of different ages, nationalities, and levels of experience. I'm always excited to work with both complete beginners and seasoned veterans (in Italian or languages in general). I developed several long-lasting relationships with students, but I never turn away those looking for one-off classes or short bursts of learning. If you don't have a plan, we'll come up with one. If you do, we'll make it happen!
Liczba lekcji: 1,222
I won't be available for the week Nov 18th- Nov 22nd. Will be back on Monday Nov 25th! I have experience as a teacher in elementary and secondary school because I used to teach at elementary and secondary school. I am open to listening, to all your questions. Plus I am a very empathic person.
Liczba lekcji: 61
Pacey (安佩思)
Sono un'insegnante molto estroversa e credo che il miglior metodo per imparare le lingue sia creare un'ambiente disteso e allegro. In secondo luogo credo che sia importante usare il tempo nel modo più efficace, durante questi anni ho sviluppato il mio metodo di studio per imparare le lingue e sono disposta a condividerlo con te! I am a very outgoing teacher and I believe that the best way to learn languages is to create a relaxed and cheerful environment. Secondly, I believe that it is important to use time in the most effective way, during these years I have developed my own study method to learn languages and I am willing to share it with you!
Liczba lekcji: 1,157
Elias Sonai Lupo
Queer space for relaxed conversation ✨ Reading a lot during childhood helped me develop a great taste for the italian language and its infinite nuances. Students appreciate my clear and neutral accent. Are you intermediate level? Lessons with me will definitely empower you to navigate new scenarios. Are you advanced? We can engage in delightful conversations while perfecting phonetics and vocabulary to your liking.
Liczba lekcji: 490
Martina Brenna
I am really tranquil and patient and I like the cultural exchange between people from all over the world. I have done some experiences of language studying abroad, specifically in Germany, Spain and Ireland. I have learned languages during the high school, therefore I experienced the methods of several teachers. That's why I know how a student should feel during a language lesson. I will do my best to be attentive to your needs and to listen to you carefully and make you feel at ease and comfortable without forgetting to have fun while learning.
Liczba lekcji: 19
Native Italian language teacher with certification offers lessons structured on your need. I am a certified Italian teacher (CEDILS at Ca' Foscari University in Venice). I organize lessons structured on your needs, including preparation for exams and job interviews. I follow students from absolute beginner to advanced level, also with conversation classes. Most of my students ask for my support for the process of moving to Italy or to prepare for a job interview or to pass the Italian exam to apply for citizenship. But I have also helped many students in the study of Italian for pleasure, love, travel or family needs. If you have any doubts or questions, please send me a message.
Liczba lekcji: 384
I am an easy-going person and very communicative so I believe that we can easily find a way to make our lessons fun and have the best results possible.
Liczba lekcji: 562
Cintía D Mëdeiros
Certified English, Portuguese and Italian teacher I am a professional teacher. I am patient, caring and empathetic. I am fluent in Portuguese, English and Italian. I lived in Italy for 5 years and since 2007 I have been living in Belfast in Northern Ireland. I have been teaching English, Italian and Portuguese for over 30 years. I have had students from all walks of life, different nationalities, age groups and all levels. I plan my lessons based on the student’s learning style. I am looking forward to meeting you for a trial lesson.
Liczba lekcji: 685
Paola Milazzo
Insegnante laureata in L12- italiano come lingua seconda e specializzata in didattica LM39 Mi piace conoscere gente di tutto il mondo e insegnare la mia lingua madre. Durante la carriera universitaria ho seguito materie e sostenuto esami per diventare insegnante di italiano per stranieri, studiando, dunque, una pluralità di approcci e metodi appropriati. Tra questi prediligo l'approccio comunicativo, il quale permette di considerare i vari livelli linguistici e le competenze comunicative concernenti. Sono attenta ai bisogni dei miei studenti, modulando le mie lezioni affinché si sentano a proprio agio e portino a termine i loro obiettivi.
Paolo Mantratzi
Insegnante di Ita L2/Ls, esperienze in Italia e all'estero, in situazioni formali e informali. Sono un insegnante flessibile e dinamico, lo studente è al centro di ogni mia lezione, fondamentale per me è ascoltare ogni richiesta ed esigenza, comprendere a fondo gli obiettivi e raggiungere i risultati richiesti, imparando divertendosi, ma molto seriamente! Amo questo lavoro, il rapporto con gli studenti, conoscere nuove persone e creare insieme percorsi di apprendimento e scoperta di nuovi saperi e competenze. Mi considero una persona empatica e aperta.
Liczba lekcji: 475
Fede V.
Lezioni per tutti i livelli. Preparazione esami ufficiali. Oltre 10 anni di esperienza! Insegno italiano a stranieri da oltre 10 anni. Mi sono laureata in Lettere all'Università di Pisa, in un corso specifico per la didattica dell'italiano a stranieri. Abito in Spagna da molti anni ed insegno a ragazzi, studenti universitari e adulti. Soy profesora de italiano. Soy licenciada en Filología Italiana en la Universidad de Pisa, con un curso específico sobre didáctica del italiano para extranjeros. Vivo en España y llevo más de 10 años dando clases a adolescentes, estudiantes universitarios y adultos. I'm a professional Italian teacher. I've been teaching for 10 years. I graduade from Pisa University and now I live in Spain. I work with teenagers, university students and adults.
Liczba lekcji: 556
Angela Guardascione
I like to create an informal environment, I want my students to feel comfortable and free to talk and also to make mistakes, because I think that's the best way to learn a language. I love my first language and I will try to share this love with my students also by teaching them idioms, that are very helpful when it's time to talk to native speakers.
Liczba lekcji: 1,334
Gentile e paziente, cerco di soddisfare le esigenze dei miei studenti e capisco che studiare una nuova lingua da zero possa essere impegnativo. Kind and patient, I try to meet the needs of my students and understand that studying a new language from zero can be challenging.
Liczba lekcji: 161
Tutor de italiano con más de 5 años de experiencia!!! A livello professionale mi sono sempre dedicato al turismo con una grande passione verso lo studio delle lingue. Per questo, ho deciso di dedicarmi ad impartire lezioni d'italiano come tutor da più di 5 anni. Per me è un autentico piacere aiutare le persone ad imparare questa meravigliosa lingua e la sua cultura. Llevo dando clases de italiano más de 5 años y me encantaría poder transmitirte el amor a mi país, mi idioma y a la cultura italiana en general. Cualquier razón es valida para aprender Italiano. I have been teaching Italian for more than 5 years and I would love to teach you my love for my country, my language and Italian culture in general.