Raciel Hernández 💫
Professional Teacher
How to Compliment Someone in Spanish
Learning how to compliment someone in Spanish usually starts with compliments about looks, which is usually okay in Spanish-speaking countries.

These compliments can be used when someone is flirting or just to compliment someone’s appearance – pay attention to non-verbal signals if you want to be sure if the person is flirting or not.

There are many ways to tell a woman she looks beautiful:

Eres tan hermosa. — You are so beautiful
¡Qué guapa! ¡Qué bonita! ¡Qué linda! — How pretty!
¡Te ves guapa! — You look pretty!
Wow, estás guapísima hoy! — Wow, you look super pretty today!
Te ves preciosa. — You look gorgeous.
Te ves estupenda. — You look amazing.
Normalmente eres guapa… ¡Pero es que hoy estás preciosa! — Usually, you look beautiful but today you look gorgeous!
Eres un tesoro — You are a treasure
Tu sonrisa es hermosa. — Your smile is beautiful.

Spanish compliments for him

Some compliments in Spanish for him are quite similar to the compliments for her, but be careful and use the right gender.

¡Qué lindo! — How lovely! How cute!
¡Qué guapo! — How handsome!
Eres guapo. — You are handsome.
¡Qué elegante! — How elegant!
Te ves guapo. — You look handsome.
Te ves estupendo. — You look amazing.

Spanish compliments for friends

Learning how to compliment someone in Spanish is not only about flirting or complimenting someone’s appearance, though.

There are a lot of ‘gender-neutral’ compliments that you can use to compliment your Spanish-speaking friends in different situations.

¡Buen trabajo! — Good job!
¡Eres listo/a! — You are smart! (masculine/feminine)
Eres un amigo (una amiga) increíble. — You are an awesome friend. (masculine/feminine)
Tienes un gran sentido del humor. — You have a good sense of humor.
Tienes una habilidad con las palabras. — You have a way with words.
Eres divertido/a. — You are fun. (masculine/feminine)
Esa chaqueta se ve bien en ti.—That jacket looks nice on you
Eres dulce. — You are sweet.
Eres un tesoro. — You are a treasure.
Eres buena gente. — You are a good person.
Creo en ti. — I believe in you.
Tu presencia es agradable. — I like being around you.
Me gusta tu estilo. — I like sur style.
Estoy orgulloso/a de ti. — I am proud of you. (masculine/feminine)
Te queda bien. — That suits you well.
Muy amable. — You are very kind.

Accepting compliments in Spanish

When you learn how to compliment someone in Spanish, it is also important to learn how to respond appropriately and accept compliments.

Very often, a simple Gracias (thank you) or Gracias por el cumplido (thank you for the compliment) is enough.
But pay attention to your intonation and non-verbal signals when you say it!

If you say Gracias too dryly, without a smile, the person complimenting you may feel that the compliment is unwelcome.

Do not do it, unless you really want to show that the compliment made you feel uncomfortable.
Saying Gracias warmly and with a smile will show that you are flattered.

Here are some other ways you can respond when someone compliments you in Spanish:

Es muy amable. — That’s very kind.
(Gracias), tú también. — (Thanks), you too.
Lo aprecio mucho. — I really appreciate it.

By the way, correct responses are important in other situations, too. Do you know how to respond to greetings in Spanish?

Cheesy compliments in Spanish

If you want to impress your date, you can try some of the Spanish pick up lines below.

They will sound very entertaining, however, you should be careful using them as they can sound insincere.
Eres como una estrella, tan bella para admirarla y tan lejana para tocarla. — You’re like a star, so beatiful to admire and so far to touch.

Si el agua fuera belleza tú serías el mar entero. — If beauty were water, you would be the entire ocean
Quisiera preguntarte ¿cómo era el cielo cuando te caíste de el? — I wanted to ask you, how was heaven when you fell from it?
Tu papa debe de ser pirata, porque tu eres un tesoro! — Your dad must be a pirate, because you are a treasure!
Como se siente al ser la chica mas guapa en esta habitación? — What does it feel like to be the prettiest girl in the room?

It’s probably best not to use any lines from this list on someone whose heart you really want to win.
Be charming and honest, but never be corny.

May 21, 2020 3:27 PM