i'm confuse about "mean, means, meant" & "do or did"... sometimes i saw this "what do you mean?" and this "what do you means?" i want to know what is the difference...?? ? and is't did or do because it's already pass right so it must be "what did you mean/means?" and what is "meant"?
May 26, 2011 11:47 PM
Answers · 5
mean - (present tense) I, you, we, they means - (present tense) he/she/it meant - (past tense) I, you, he/she/it, we, they When you have a "do" the "do" gets conjugated and the other verb does not change. Examples are the best explanation: - What DO I/you/we/they MEAN? (present) - What DOES he/she/it MEAN? (present) - What DID I/you/he/she/it/we/they MEAN? (past) - What WILL __"__ MEAN? (future) (not common to use future tense with this phrase) if there is no "do" then "mean" gets conjugated like normal: - I/we/they MEAN (to say) that I had a good time. (present) - He/she/it MEANS that we should go tomorrow. (preset) - I/you/he/she/it/we/they MEANT to tell you. (past) X "What do you MEANS?" X wrong there are a several meanings(definitions) of "mean" here are examples of two meanings (they are very similar) : the meaning, definition - What does this word mean? What is the meaning of this word? - What does this sign mean? What is the meaning of this sign? - It means we can't park here. intend, want, plan - I meant to study yesterday, but... I intended/wanted to study yesterday, but... the common phrase "What do you mean?" is a little of both - What do you mean? What is the meaning of your words? or What do you intend to say? Sorry, that was a long answer. I hope it doesn't confuse you. Keep it up!! - I mean that
May 27, 2011
What do you mean? correct. "What do you means?" is wrong. You didn't see it anywhere! You need to pay far more attention to what you see and don't see! For the past: What did you mean. meant = past tense of "mean"
May 27, 2011
you can´t say "what do you means?", this phrase is wrong because the ending "-s" is only for verbs in third person. The right phrase is "what do you mean?"
May 27, 2011
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