What is the difference between 指导 (zhidao), 引导 (yindao), and 指南 (zhinan)? 区别是什么? I ran into all of these recently, and I wasn't sure what the differences were. Can you give me examples where you should use one, but not the other? 我最近碰到这些词。 请你给我一些例子,怎么用这些词,不同的情况一个是对,但是另外一个是错或者有别的意思。
Dec 2, 2011 6:47 AM
Answers · 12
zhidao can be used both as noun and verb. for example, thank you for your 'zhidao' = instruction. You are 'zhidao'ing' me to learn Chinese. = giving instruction zhinan can only be used as noun, and it refers to guiding information such as manual, guidebook. yindao can also be used both as noun and verb. This word has something to do with 'showing direction'. For example, my mentor is 'yindao'ing me on the way of practising Buddhu Dharma.
December 2, 2011
指导: 1、指示教导;指点引导(guide;direct)。 指导学生实习 2、体育运动的教练员 (coach)。 我们请来了前奥运会冠军给我们指导。 引导: 1、带领;使跟随 (guide,especially go for a better situation) 引导我们通过难关 2、启发;领导 (lead) 老师引导学生们实习 指南 指导,比喻辨别方向的依据。A Guide to ...; a handbook; a guidebook; a manual; a finger post 旅游指南
December 2, 2011
指导 (zhidao) :在导师的指导下我顺利通过论文答辩 引导 (yindao) : 在教育孩子方面, 要慢慢的引导他形成坚强独立的好习惯 指南 (zhinan) : 平常基本上用不到这个词, 一般固定词组, 生活指南, 购物指南等, 就是一个大体的方向供参考。
December 2, 2011
besides all above,this three words have more cultural difference. 指导means sb is better than the guy who is 指导ed,so you can hardly say let me 指导指导 you,it's totally rude. 指南you can use it to make words,like 指南针,and in japanese,指南is a post like a couch.
December 2, 2011
指导:指示教导;指点引导 指导和引导没什么多大区别,但是有时候用法不一样,这个就要靠你多看了,就像我们学英语一样,固定习惯的说法 比如说:指导老师很少说引导老师 指南是名词了: 原意指向南方,引申为指导等含义;比喻辨别方向的依据。比如说旅行指南,等于英语里的manual book,guidebook
December 2, 2011
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