How do you say "热闹” in English ? 市场上人山人海很热闹。 这里的热闹用英语如何翻译呢
Jun 29, 2012 3:26 AM
Answers · 12
呵呵,我又飞来了。 The market is bustling and hustling. The market is very busy. The market is very crowded. The market is lively.
June 29, 2012
In this context "hustle and bustle" is an Idiom close, in meaning, to 热闹, but today fewer people use this idiom. More often "crowded market" or "packed market" is used ( however it does not express the market's 人气 )。
June 29, 2012
In the U.S., people still do say "bustling." As in, "The market was bustling." I think that the meaning is the same: crowded and lively.
June 29, 2012
找到一个哈 热闹 rènao (1) [bustling with activity]∶景象繁盛活跃 热闹的菜市场 (2) [fun]∶有趣的人(或事物) 看热闹 ◎ 热闹 rènao [lively] 纷繁盛大、气氛活跃 晚会很热闹 ◎ 热闹 rènao (1) [liven up]∶使活跃起来,[使]愉快起来 你说个笑话让大伙儿热闹热闹吧 (2) [have a jolly time]∶欢快、兴高采烈的 那天他们在一起热闹了一番
June 29, 2012
关于“热闹”,虽然那个老朋友我是五十多年前碰到的, 我还没有找到一个合适英文词,我们必须用几个 英文词解释这个词的意思,比如 bustling with noise and excitement
July 1, 2012
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