what's the difference between terrace and patio? what's the difference for above words when they refer to a little place for people to sit on it? compare to a balcony i mean.
Jul 20, 2012 7:55 PM
Answers · 4
The difference is this. A terrace when refering to a building is a flat raised surface and a pation is an open area adjoined to building that is paved but not raised. A patio connects the house to the garden and is made of bricks or other material. There is no roof. It is open to the sky. It is not raised as a terrace is. John
July 20, 2012
thanks Randy too, thank you for explaining more
July 21, 2012
Expanding on John's excellent answer, let me say that a balcony for an apartment or house, for example, might exist on any floor above the first. Normally, I think of a patio as being on the ground floor.
July 21, 2012
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