Baron Jon
hey, for the sentence "虽然衣服贵,可是衣服的样子好" is it ok to have ”衣服贵" hey, for the sentence "虽然衣服贵,可是衣服的样子好" is it ok to have ”衣服贵" by itself or do I have to write something like “衣服这么贵”
Jun 10, 2013 2:41 AM
Answers · 5
June 10, 2013
June 15, 2013
generally we would avoid using the same word/phrase twice in a sentence. so you might say "虽然贵了点,可是这衣服很好看呀" or "这衣服贵是贵了点,可是很好看啊".
June 10, 2013
你真的很会说话, 有些人会说"虽然样子不错可是太贵了。"而你这么说会让人很舒服:3 当然,当然可以说衣服贵。 PS:"衣服这么贵"更多的是表示你和这个衣服即将要说拜拜了。
June 10, 2013
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