Jun 10, 2013 6:52 PM
Answers · 4
之间: between ... 中间: in the middle of ... most of the time it is corrent. but not always.
June 11, 2013
之间 = between = smth is between smth 中间 = in the middle = smth is in the middle of smth
June 17, 2013
中间 have two means 1.the middle of 2 between 之间 one mean 1.between
June 12, 2013
中间:1.两者(人或地、时、物)之间;当中。 2.介绍。 3.里面。 4.房屋内居中的房间。 5.犹言之间或"在……过程中"。表时态。 6.指中间派。主要表事物的位置 之间:两者中间。(很拗口吧,这些词意思有时候会重叠,很难精确解释)
June 11, 2013
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