how do you say "what is your name" in japanese???
Jun 26, 2008 8:30 AM
Answers · 3
You can say it a few ways: Namae wa? [simple] 名前は? Anata no namae wa nan desu ka? [formal] 貴方の名前は何ですか? Anata wa dare desu ka? [who are you?] 貴方は誰ですか?
June 28, 2008
Hello ;)) What is your name = Anata no onamae ha nandesuka?
June 26, 2008
You can also use omae, kimi and temee. But they are not a nice way of saying "you" in this context. In example, temee wa dare da? Has a kind of "Who the hell are you?!?"-feeling to it. So don't use it when you ask your friends grandparents names.
July 2, 2008
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