There is no significant difference in meaning between luggage and baggage.
The difference between suitcase and luggage/baggage is mainly a grammatical one.
A suitcase is an individual item of luggage, in just the same way that a ring is an item of jewellery. A suitcase is a single object, while luggage and baggage are collective and general terms to refer to everything you carry with you when you are travelling. If you are travelling, your luggage/baggage can be bags, suitcases, backpacks, sports equipment - or anything else that you are travelling with.
The word 'suitcase' is grammatically countable. It can be singular (a suitcase) or plural ( two suitcases).
How many suitcases do you have?
The words 'baggage' and 'luggage' are grammatically uncountable. They are always in the singular, but they don't take a singular article (a). We can say 'some luggage' , but we can't say *a luggage and we can't say *luggages.
How much luggage do you have?
I hope that helps.