请问!敷衍是什么意思? 请问!敷衍是什么意思?
Aug 10, 2015 1:47 AM
Answers · 15
敷衍:do something or say something to make someone believes that something has been done but in fact it hasn't. When someone has to do something but he doesn't want to do it, he may 敷衍 this thing. for example, you mom asks you to clean your room, but you don't want to do that, but if you don't do, your mom will kick your ass. So you 敷衍 ------- you do clean your room but you don't treat the clean-room thing serious. In english, 敷衍 means to do something perfunctory. a dialog between you and your mom: - "去把你的房间打扫一下。" - “好,我马上去。” - “妈,我打扫完了。” - “你看地也没扫干净,桌子上的灰尘也没有擦,不要敷衍了事,要认真打扫!” another example, - "小王,去问问小张把工作做完了没有。" - “我去问了,他只是敷衍了我几句,但却没有给我看他的工作成果,我觉得他没有做完。” “敷衍了我几句”: when 小王 asked 小张 if he had finished his job, 小张 said something to make 小王 believed that he had finished his job ----- but 小张 didn't show anything to 小王, so now 小王 believes that 小张 didn't finish his job, he just 用话敷衍.
August 10, 2015
Charles 你虽然ban了我,但是我还是忍不住要对你说,你在这里是给学汉语的外国人回答,大多数外国人还不具备使用汉语字典的能力,你给他们拷贝汉语字典的解释有什么意义呢?你不懂一个英语单词难道你会去查英英字典吗? 回答问题要认真,既然你会英语,你为什么不想想你的老师是怎么教你学英语的? 能靠谱点吗? 每次都给别人没营养的答案。
August 10, 2015
敷衍 [fū yǎn] 1. 陈述而加以发挥。 敷衍经旨。 2. 表面应酬,虚与应付。 这家伙官僚气十足,敷衍你罢了,怎会真替你解决问题! 3. 勉强维持。 虽然身体欠佳,他还是打起精神,将一天的工作敷衍过去了。 以上来源于:《现代汉语大词典》
August 10, 2015
从他的回答中,我听出来他是在敷衍我!! 意思是,他没有直接准确的回复我,只是说些客套话来应付我的问题!
August 10, 2015
我对他敷衍地一笑,走了进去。 I smiled at him vaguely and went inside.
August 10, 2015
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