How to read 0.1%? Is it "o point one percent"? What do people usually say? And how about 0.24%, 3.82% and something like these. I would appreciate if somebody could summarize the general idea. Thanks in advance:)
Jul 13, 2016 9:34 AM
Answers · 11
'Zero point one per cent.' Most common. 'Nought by one per cent.' Not uncommon, in the UK at least. If the number in front of the decimal is a zero, you can also just say 'point one per cent.' You can only really say 3.82% one way: three point eight two per cent. 0.24% would be 'zero point two four per cent','nought point two four per cent' or 'point two four per cent.' I've heard non-native speakers say things like 'zero point twenty four percent' but native speakers don't read decimals like that.
July 13, 2016
Paul and Dan have good answers, but personally, in rapid conversation, I would just say "point one percent" (and I have science degrees!)
July 13, 2016
I'm a U.S. native speaker. I personally would read this as "oh point one percent." I would read the others as "oh point twenty-four percent" and "three point eighty-two percent." In my science classes, I was taught always to put a zero in front of the decimal point. The reason is that the zero makes it easier to see that the decimal point is there and prevents errors. I carry this over into speech. I would always read the zero (as "oh") if it is printed, and I might well say it even if it is not printed. If, for example, I am trying to communicate over the phone to someone who was trying to transcribe what I was saying, then I'd read them character by character, reading 0 as "zero," thus "zero point one percent," "zero point two four percent." 0.1% is a special case. Depending on the context and how precise I think the value is, I might possibly read this as "a tenth of a percent." In a financial context, I might read it as "ten basis points!"
July 13, 2016
0.1% nought / zero point one per cent 0.24% zero point twenty-four percent 3.82%: three point eight two per cent.
July 13, 2016
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