Nhan Le
Ving or to + infinitive A: I think we will enjoy to spend time there B: I think we will enjoy spending time there A: After he woke up, he went on to talk to the girl beside him B: After he woke up, he went on talking to the girl beside him A: I can't bear talking to him B: I can't bear to talk to him In these case, which one is correct? or both of them are correct? Is there any difference between them if both are correct? Please give me some advice to use Ving and to infinitive correctly. Thanks for your all comments and contributions
Dec 27, 2016 2:42 AM
Answers · 5
After certain verbs we use the -ing form, and after other verbs we use the infinitive. Sometimes we can use either form and there is no change in meaning. Occasionally we can use either form and there is a change in meaning. So it's all about knowing those verbs and practice
December 27, 2016
Thanks Huy, I did search it but maybe it couldn't satisfy me. I need the help from natives (Aus, Canada, Ireland, the US and the UK, I also want to know if there is any different between these places or not). Maybe they will give me some advice to make clear all and stop confused. Thanks for your contribution
December 27, 2016
Hi, In my opinion, prepositions and some certain verbs and phrases are followed by a verb in its -ing form. You can look up "Gerund, Infinitive" on the Internet to find out more. Hope it helps.
December 27, 2016
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