Un pregunta o una pregunta??? This word is masculine or not??? Like idioma should be un idioma~~Muchas gracias~~I know some nouns they will have different meanings for its masculine and feminine el capital y la capital...but they're same in Eng...I mean capital in Eng also has 2 meaning...Entonces~~out of my mar y el mar.they are same or nor???
Feb 27, 2009 7:40 AM
Answers · 3
una pregunta y un idioma= una lengua. -a is the marker for feminine in spanish, so most of the time sustantives ending in -a are femenine. exceptions are few. also some nouns allow for both genres: el mar/la mar. -o is usually a marker for masculine but be careful: you'll find in spoken "la moto" that is short for "la motocicleta". Also words ending in consonant tend to be masculine. el tren, el ordenador, el avión. -e is ambiguous: el coche, la noche. problem is that gramatical genre has no logic: you can't look at a thing and ascertain if it is masculine or feminine, just must learn.
February 27, 2009
un idioma, una pregunta
February 27, 2009
"idioma"= masculine "pregunta" = feminine this is a good source if you can open it:
February 27, 2009
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