The answer to your question is No. Those sentences are not possible.
'Dare' is a semi modal. This means that it sometimes behaves like a regular verb followed by a 'to' infinitive ( as in 'Dare to dream') and it sometimes works as a modal ( as in 'How dare you?' or 'I daren't ask'). When it is used as a modal, it takes the bare infinitive.
'How dare you?' can stand alone or it can be followed by the bare infinitive. The sentences you've given are wrong. The correct version is 'How dare you TALK to me like that?'. This is the only possible form of 'talk' which can follow 'How dare you...'.
If you come across an example where it sounds like there's a conjugated verb following 'dare', there is probably a break between the two:
"How dare you? Talking to me like that! It's disgraceful."
The first words, 'How dare you?', stand alone as an exclamation, expressing indignation. The next section 'Talking to me like that!' is a fragment which is grammatically unconnected to the exclamation.