How to send a reminder when an official email has not been responded? Hi friends, If someone has not responded to something that I asked to do through an email, how should I send him/her a reminder? Is it okay to write the email as given below? Here “the following” means my previous email. Hi John, A kind reminder on the following. Best regards, Ann Thanks in advance, Niwantha
Dec 1, 2019 3:26 PM
Answers · 8
A lot would depend upon the relationship you had with the sender. Yes your email is fine, but I would suggest replacing the word 'kind' with 'just a quick/gentle reminder [ what it is about here] Thanks in advance for an informal relationship or "Thank you" for a formal relationship. Emails go astray all the time it's ok to chase them up after there days max, after this time it is certain they have not responded. It is an email not a letter by post.
December 1, 2019
I usually say, "Hi, so and so. I am just emailing to follow up on my email below" That makes it sound like I am the one who was supposed to take action, rather than the recipient feeling like he or she forgot to respond(even though he or she did forget).
December 1, 2019
Hi there, It's preferable here in England that you don't send a reminder, as it may seem rude and impatient of you and the person you are sending the email to may be very busy. The only exception is that if you really need something and a deadline is approaching. Only then could you send a reminder mentioning the task you required and possibly the deadline you have to reinstate the urgency. Hope it helps (It's better to say "could I remind you of (task) which I need by (deadline)" Yusuf
December 1, 2019
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