Have a good day, 你们怎么理解的? 有个外国朋友解释的have a good day和我理解的不一样,想知道其它人是怎样理解的 ?? 唔,最好用中文和英文回答 …… 谢谢"Have a good day" means, "I wish you well with the rest of your day" or "I hope the rest of your day goes well". 这是他的解释,貌似跟 休息( rest ) 有关,是不是和中国人的理解差距很大?
Jun 6, 2010 7:44 AM
Answers · 9
"the rest" 是指剩下的呀!!! the rest of your day 就是你今天剩下还没过完的时间 I wish you well with the rest of your day 我希望你今天还没过完的时间也能过得好 别会错意啦!!!!
March 4, 2015
"have a good day" 经常在美剧里面有听到,一般口语里面表示“再见”的意思。 即 bye bye and hope you have a good time with the rest of your day.
June 7, 2010
June 7, 2010
June 6, 2010
June 6, 2010
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