Jenny Nguyen
领悟,了解,理解,明白,懂得,知晓 。。他们有什么区别呀? 领悟,了解,理解,明白,懂得,知晓 。。他们有什么区别呀? 可以帮我解释和举例子吗? 谢谢大家:)
Apr 24, 2011 7:23 PM
Answers · 6
1.领悟,in Chinese both verb and noun. . Means comprehending something ,in the mean time tasting some truch. ex. 他的经历让我领悟(verb.)到”有志者事竟成”。(His experience made me comprehended that where there is a will there is a way. ) ex. 我对这个故事的领悟(noun.)是“失败乃成功之母”。(My comprehension on this story is “Failure is the mother of success”). Note:领悟 is often used formal written Chinese and means getting some philosophy of life. 2. 了解:in Chinese both verb and noun. ⑴means know something quite well ex.我了解(verb.)他的工作,他现在确实很忙。(I'm familiar with his work.He’s really busy now.) ex.我希望对他有更多的了解(noun.)。(I want to know more about him.) ⑵means pry into or investigate something ex.小王,你去了解一下,老李今天缺席的原因。(XiaoWang, go to ask about why LaoLi is absent today.) Note:If “了解”is followed by a person,it means know his character and be familiar with him ex.你是我最好的朋友,你应该很了解我。(You are my best friend,and you should know me well.) 3理解:in Chinese both verb and noun. Means understand some principle, reason or truth by thinking , generally the object is some question or abstract.When“理解”is followed by a person,it means know his mood or the reason of his doing ex.那时候,我还小,无法理解(verb.)他的话。(At that time,i was too young to understand his words) ex.我对这篇文章的理解(noun.)错了。(My comprehension on this article is wrong.) ex.你丈夫工作很忙,你应该理解他。(Your husband is busy working,you should know him.) 4.明白:verb&adj. ⑴verb.Means know the meaning and content ex.你明白我的意思吗?(Do you understand what I mean?) ⑵adj. Means clear or exact (esp.describe the meaning and content) ex.他已经解释得很明白了。(He has explained it clearly.) 5.懂得:verb(=明白) Means know meaning or the way of doing something ex.你懂得这句话的意思吗?(Do you know the meaning of this words?) ex.我懂得了怎么和别人相处。(I know how to communicate with others.) 6.知晓:verb 知晓=知道+晓得(明白) It is a ancient prose word in Chinese.And it is seldom used now,esp. in oral speaking.So I think you don’t have to study it any more. ex.汝之心意,兄已知晓。(I have known your mind.)
April 25, 2011
They are much the same.they just differ from the level of understanding 知晓<=了解<懂得<=明白<理解<领悟 知晓 means you know about sth but did not get to know more deeply.just got it... 明白:to understand clearly; to be clear about 理解和了解are verbs. 了解;have a certain understanding and memory of sth 理解:agree on the logic of events and does not rule out a personal experience, but mainly to recognize the logic of events. 领悟:have a true grasp. Like Insight into the wonders of the universe, understanding the true meaning of life and enhance the spiritual realm, is a very high level of understand.
April 25, 2011
领悟:体会,解悟 了解:知道得清楚,用于感性、直观的事物,“了解”是需要时间和过程的. 理解:一般用于抽象事物,指理性认识 明白:是自己想通了某个问题或听别人说某个问题而导致你想通了。 注:“理解”和“明白”我认为很接近,很多时候可以互用,但理解在明白的基础还含着同情、原谅等情绪。所以在某种语境中理解和明白又不能混用了。如:虽然这次你伤害了我,但我可以理解你! 这是一种在明白之后的理解和原谅! 懂得:是更深层的明白 知晓:知道 I hope the answer can help you .
April 25, 2011
oh, thanks a lot. i am clear about its usage now. below are some examples i make. could u check and correct them? 我懂得怎么用懂得了。 我懂得我父母忍受了很多辛苦才养大我。 我懂得他已经跟他的女朋友付出了很多,但是她不能爱他下去了。 我懂得为了学到一个语言,我们得学习得很勤力。 我懂得你忙,不过我真的求求你帮助我 我懂得他不仅善良,体贴,还很有幽默感。 不过,他通常说他不要结婚而要一辈子一个人住。 真的感谢你
April 26, 2011
Dear,Jenny; Great,1-4 of your examples is very correct . I think 5,should be 你长大了,应该懂得你父母有很多负担, 别那么任性。 因为,如果懂得后面跟一个名词,通常这个名词是意思或者是某人的话,如果是跟的是一个道理或者事情,一般要是一个句子 ex.我懂得你说的意思。(I understand what you mean) ex.我懂得养大一个孩子是很辛苦的。(I understand that it is very hard to raise a child.)
April 26, 2011
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