Gowthami Karan
My favourite hobby is listening to music and cooking.. Music is such an wonderful art that makes our soul happily.. I love to listen music that too especially bollywood music.. It keeps the stress away from me and scientifically it had proven that listening to music reduces the heart disease and recovers the patients soon who is suffering from cardiac disease.. I will switch on my music player,if i am doing my regular routine such as cleaning,mopping ,cutting veg...and most important thing is that I love to listen music.. But I will not sing..
Jan 9, 2021 9:07 AM
Corrections · 1
My favourite hobbies are listening to music and cooking.. Music is such an wonderful art that makes our soul happy..I love to listen music, especially bollywood music.. It keeps stress away from me and scientifically it is proven that listening to music reduces chances of heart disease and helps patients who suffer from cardiac disease recover soon.. I will turn on my music player, if i am doing my regular tasks such as cleaning,mopping ,cutting veg..The most important thing is that I love to listen music, but I will not sing.
January 9, 2021
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