5 Steps to Business Habit Stacking
5 Steps to Business Habit Stacking
24 de abr de 2024 11:16
5 Steps to Business Habit Stacking STEP 1 Identify 1-3 key habits you want to focus on developing that will have the biggest positive impact on your business. These should be habits that are relatively easy to implement but provide high value such as daily planning, delegating tasks or networking. Focus on habits that are specific, measurable actions you can take each day to make progress towards your goals. STEP 2 Choose an existing daily habit you already have as an anchor. This could be making your bed, taking your vitamins or checking email. The anchor habit should be something quick and easy you already do daily. Picking an anchor you already do each morning or evening will help cue the new habits without adding extra effort. STEP 3 Immediately follow your anchor habit with one of the key habits you identified. For example, if your anchor is checking email in the morning, follow it with taking 10 minutes to plan your day. Doing the new habit right after the anchor will help the cues become associated over time. STEP 4 Repeat the key habit daily, right after your anchor habit, until it becomes a routine. It may take 21-30 days for a new habit to stick so be patient and consistent. Don't try to build multiple habits at once. Staying focused on one habit at a time will help it to form more successfully without overload. STEP 5 Once the first key habit is a routine, add the second by stacking it after your anchor and initial habit. For example, your routine is now check email > plan your day > delegate one task. Continue stacking until all your key habits are locked in. Stacking new habits onto existing routines helps you develop multiple productive habits efficiently.
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