Podcasts one, two, and three  (compilation)
Podcasts one, two, and three (compilation)
2 de março de 2024
All three podcasts together. Lenth 23 minutes If you don’t want to listen to it all - jump to the part you need, or listen to the individual podcasts. PART ONE - You can’t make some of the English sounds. (audio: 1.52) PART TWO - You don’t sound right - you need to listen and speak more. (audio: 5.44) PART THREE - when you read a new word, you don’t know how to say it. (audio: 8.02) Please read the transcript (especially for part three) Transcript: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Kr_trYZntCNoa_4Sm1UDz9zO5dwMbGCW&usp=drive_fs
Canal de Podcast
English with AngelaProfessor Profissional