How do people call girls in China?(Intermediate level)
How do people call girls in China?(Intermediate level)
9 de fevereiro de 2023
大家好!我现在在云南大理。 Hello everyone, now I am in Dali, Yunnan Province. 大理在中国的西南部, Dali is in the southwest of China, 离缅甸很近。 very close to Myanmar. 我在路上走的时候, When I was walking on the road, 经常会有卖东西的人叫我金花。 I was often called "Jinhua" by people selling things. 原来金花是白族人对女孩的称呼, It turns out that Jinhua is a how Bai ethnic people call a girl, 意思是善良美丽的女孩。 which means "kind and beautiful girl". 白族是这里的少数民族, The Bai Nationality is a minority here, 大家可以看一下这是他们的服装, you can see, this is their clothing, 很有民族特色。 which has ethnic characteristics. 我以前生活在广州。 I used to live in Guangzhou. 在广州,我们叫陌生的女孩 In Guangzhou, we call strange girls 靓女或者美女, "liàng nǚ" or "měi nǚ", 意思是漂亮的女孩子。 which means beautiful girls. 广州话的发音是“leng3 neoi5”。 The pronunciation in Cantonese is "leng3 neoi5". 我们去饭店吃饭的时候, When we go to a restaurant, 也会叫服务员靓女。 we will also call the waitress "liàng nǚ". 如果是年纪大一点的,我们就叫阿姨。 If she is a little older, we call her "auntie". 我的老家在潮汕, My hometown is in Chaoshan, 在那里我们叫女孩子“妹”。 where we call girls "mèi", 潮汕话的发音是“muê6”。 pronounced " muê6 " in Chaoshanese. In other parts of China, 在中国其他地方也有很多不同的叫法。 there are also many different ways to call a girl. For example, in Beijing, you can call her "gūniang" or "guīnǚ". 例如:在北京可以叫“姑娘”或者“闺女”。 In Shanghai, you can call "xiǎogūniang" or "nunu". 在上海可以叫“小姑娘”或者“囡囡”。 In Sichuan, you can call "yāomèi" or "nǚwá". 在四川,可以叫“幺妹”或者“女娃”。 你还听说过什么叫法吗? Have you heard of any other way to call girls? 留言告诉我吧。 Leave a comment and tell me. 下期视频见! See you in the next video! Find video verson in my Ins/Youtube channel “Daily Chinese with Yuli”.
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