#34 Short story / こうもりの ともだち?《Who is the bat's friend?》/ Aesop's Fables // N5 Level / Japanese listening
20 de setembro de 2022
20 de setembro de 2022
Today’s episode is “こうもり の ともだち?(kōmori no tomodachi?)”《Who is the bat's friend?》.
This is from Aesop's Fables.
This episode is JLPT-N5 level.
I created a quiz on this episode.
After listening, please take the quiz!
Please use this audio for listening and shadowing practices.
森(もり / mori):forest
鳥(とり / tori):birds
動物(どうぶつ / dōbutsu):animals
けんかをする(kenka o suru):get in a fight
空(そら / sora):sky
飛ぶ(とぶ / tobu):fly
牙(きば / kiba):fang, tusk
爪(つめ / tsume):nail
強い(つよい / tsuyoi):strong
弱い(よわい / yowai):weak
王様(おうさま / ōsama):king
翼(つばさ / tsubasa):wing
暗い(くらい / kurai):dark
洞窟(どうくつ / dōkutsu):cave
・~ことができます(~koto ga dekimasu):can ~
・~たら(~tara):if ~
☆Script for this episode
The scripts (URL) are listed in the overview section of the channel.
☆Quiz for this episode
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