03. 白雪被骗啦!Báixuě bèi piàn la! Baixue got cheated!
03. 白雪被骗啦!Báixuě bèi piàn la! Baixue got cheated!
17 de agosto de 2022
这个星期六,白雪和我一起去看看她喜欢的那套公寓,那套公寓价格一个月1800,包括水电费。对她来说挺便宜。 我们是坐地铁去的,一路上,白雪想她以后的生活:她可以在公寓的大阳台上种一些花花草草,而且这个公寓离公司很近,工作日的早上,她可以多睡一个小时的懒觉! 下了地铁站,我们按照地图来到公寓附近,但这个地方并不是很容易找到。 不一会儿,介绍人就来了,他带我们上去。白雪并不知道,这个公寓竟然在九楼,而且还没有电梯! 到了九楼,我们都累坏了。介绍人开了门,我们发现客厅比照片上小很多,沙发也不是新的,卧室和阳台不很大。从阳台上看,小公园里非常多人,一些人在放音乐非常吵。 这个公寓在照片上看起来很漂亮,但是实际上,一点儿也不!这不是照片,这是照骗,骗人的骗!白雪太失望了。 包括Bāo kuò to include 睡懒觉 shuì lǎn jiào to sleep in(late) 按照 àn zhào according to ; in accordance with 不一会儿 bù yí huìr in a moment ; in a little while 竟然jìng rán unexpectedly; to one's surprise 发现 fā xiàn find out ; discover 实际上shí jì shang actually ; in fact ; in reality 一点儿也不 yīdiǎn er yě bù 骗 piàn to deceive; to fool; to cheat 失望shīwàng disappointment This Saturday, Baixue and I went to see the apartment she liked. The price of the apartment was 1800 yuan a month, including water and electricity fees. It's cheap for her. We went there by subway. On the way, Bai Xue thought about her future life: she could plant some flowers on the balcony of the apartment. Moreover, the apartment is very close to the company. On weekdays, she could sleep in for an extra hour! After getting off the subway station, we followed the map to the apartment, but this place is not easy to find. Soon, the introducer came and took us up. Baixue doesn't know that this apartment is on the ninth floor, and without an elevator! Arrived at the ninth floor, we were all exhausted. When the introducer opened the door, we found that the living room is much smaller than the photo shows, the sofa is not new, and the bedroom and balcony is not large. From the balcony, we saw there are many people in the small park. Some people are playing music and making a lot of noise. The apartment looks beautiful in the photos, but in fact it's not at all! This is not a photo, this is a photo cheat! (骗人 and 照片 are having same piàn骗, 片) Bai Xue was so disappointed.
Canal de Podcast
HSK4 Vocab Based - Short Story Podcast