Episode 7: The Gnat & the Bull
Episode 7: The Gnat & the Bull
26 de junho de 2023
❥ 在这个播客中,梅洛朗读了《儿童伊索》,可在网上免费找到: https://www.read.gov/aesop/001.html ❥聆听并学习每个故事的寓意。 ❥ 通过回答问答问题练习听力和/或阅读理解。 ❥ 今天的寓言叫"蚊子和公牛"。可以在这里找到: https://www.read.gov/aesop/008.html ❥今天的寓言故事的寓意是: "我们在自己的眼中往往比在邻居的眼中更重要。思想越小,自负越大"。 ❥ In this podcast, Melo reads from The Aesop for Children. ❥ Aesop's Fables are free online at: www.read.gov/aesop/ ❥ Listen and learn the moral of each story. ❥ Today's fable is called "The Gnat & the Bull" and can be found here: https://www.read.gov/aesop/008.html ❥The moral of today’s fable is: "We are often of greater importance in our own eyes than in the eyes of our neighbor. The smaller the mind the greater the conceit."
Canal de Podcast
Life Lessons from Aesop's Fables