Listening Expert Shares How to Understand More of the English Language
Listening Expert Shares How to Understand More of the English Language
14 de fevereiro de 2023
I invite you to tune in to hear the rest of my conversation with Listening Expert Cara Leopold with Leo Listening. This time, we talk about how to get used to different accents and speaking speeds and motivate yourself to learn a language for work or school even if you don't want to. You'll also learn what to do if your language learning has stalled, bad habits language learners pick up when learning a language in a traditional classroom setting, reductions and linking, and how to improve your English skills by joining a movie club. Here are a couple of excerpts from our conversation: "The irony is that it's usually the words that you already know that cause the most problems." "People resent it (the English language), and I understand that because it's imposed on a lot of people, and obviously, we can't expect everyone to be excited about learning it. So I totally understand those feelings, which are valid. I think then, if you can't get excited about English, what can you get excited about? What interests you, in general?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original theme music by Lucas Knutter. Read the transcript at Join the Express to Impress community on LinkedIn at
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