无法控制(wú fǎ kòng zhì)
无法控制(wú fǎ kòng zhì)
30 de junho de 2022
一个外国人参加“普通话演讲比赛”,他的开场白是这样的:先生们,女士们,你们好,我的普通话说得不好,我与贵国语言的关系就如同我跟我太太的关系一样,我很爱它,却又无法控制它”。 A foreigner attends Putonghua speech contest ,Here's his opening line:Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I can't speak Mandarin well,My relationship with your language is the same as my relationship with my wife, I love it, but I can't control it。
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开心一刻 Jokes