1 minute exercise 2 improve speaking
1 minute exercise 2 improve speaking
30 de jun de 2024 10:44
1 minute exercise 2 improve speaking Can you improve your speaking in one minute? Certainly not, however, if you do it daily for the duration of 90 days (not 21day) but 90, you'll get great at a) expressing your thoughts b) will ad various vocabulary which may or may not be relevant c) you'll develop new neural pathways in your brain that will set forth new patterns of behaviour making you more special in your unique way. Give it a try, help yourself, there is no one else to do it but you, right? If not now then when, If not me then who? Enjoy it and come over to be trained by me personally. I help adults to improve their confidence and get my students learn to (THINK) in English, not to learn the language itself!
Canal de Podcast
One minute English - Challenge yourself to speak English daily!