#7 優(やさ)しさに包(つつ)まれた日(ひ) //N3 Level
#7 優(やさ)しさに包(つつ)まれた日(ひ) //N3 Level
26 de maio de 2022
I will talk about an episode of my own experience. This episode is N3 level. I created a quiz on this episode. After listening, please take the quiz! Please use this audio for listening and shadowing practices. ◇words◇ 優(やさ)しさ:tenderness, kindness (優しさに)包(つつ)まれる:filled with ( tenderness ) 体験(たいけん):personal experience 首輪(くびわ): (dog) collar 緩(ゆる)い:loose 警察官(けいさつかん):police officer 怪我(けが):hurt ☆Script for this episode The scripts (URL) are listed in the overview section of the channel. ☆Quiz for this episode https://www.italki.com/quiz/set?id=4026?utm_source=copylink_share&utm_medium=share_content&utm_campaign=share_quiz
Canal de Podcast
Simple Japanese Listening with Meg(めぐ)Smile
MMeg(めぐ)SmileProfessor Profissional