Ep.3 めがねをつくる
Ep.3 めがねをつくる
8 de março de 2022
▼スクリプト みんなは視力(しりょく)どれぐらいある?私は目が悪くて、コンタクトをつけてるんだけど、パソコンするときは目が乾燥(かんそう)しちゃうから、めがね使ってるんだよね。でも、ずっとパソコンしてるとほんと目がヤバくなってくるから、この前ブルーライトカットのめがねを買いに行ったの。 How good is your eyesight? I have bad eyesight, so I wear contacts, but when I use the computer, my eyes get dry, so I use glasses. But my eyes get really bad when I'm on the computer all the time, so the other day I went to buy a pair of blue light-cut glasses. 日本のめがねの値段(ねだん)はピンキリなんだけど、安いのは10000円くらいから買えるよ。有名なお店は「J!NS」とか「Zoff」とか「めがね市場」かなぁ。私は今までずっと「J!NS」で買ってたんだけど、かわいいフレームがあったから今回は「めがね市場」で買ったんだよね。 Prices for glasses in Japan vary widely, but you can buy inexpensive ones for as little as 10,000 yen. I think the most famous stores are "J!NS", "Zoff", and "Megane Ichiba". I used to buy my glasses at "J!NS", but this time I bought them at "Megane Ichiba" because they had cute frames. レンズのオプションもいろいろあって、ブルーライトカットはもちろんなんだけど、スマホを見るとき目を楽にするレンズとか、抗菌(こうきん)レンズとかいろいろあってびっくりしちゃった。 I was surprised at the variety of lens options available, including blue-light-cut lenses, lenses that make it easier for me to look at my phone, and antibacterial lenses. 視力検査(けんさ)もめがね屋さんでするんだけど、右目も左目も「0.05」ずつしかなかったからショックだった…。あと、少し右目が乱視(らんし)って言われたから、レンズは特注(とくちゅう)になって1週間後に出来上がって取りに行ったよ。もし日本でめがねを作ることがあったら、時間に余裕をもってつくったほうがいいよ。 I also had my eyesight tested at the optometrist's, and I was shocked to see that it was only 0.05 vision each for my right and left eyes.... I was also told that I had a little astigmatism in my right eye, so the lenses were special ordered and I went to pick them up a week after they were made.If you have to get glasses made in Japan, you should make them well in advance. ちなみに、この前、子供の視力が悪くなってるってテレビで言ってたんだよね。1.0未満の子どもは高校生で63%らしいよ。たしかに私も高校生のときからコンタクトしてるなぁって思った。いつかレーシックもしてみたい! By the way, I heard on TV the other day that children's eyesight is getting worse: 63% of high school students have less than 1.0 vision. I have been wearing contacts since I was in high school. I'd like to have LASIK someday!
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