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Dialects in Japan
26 de novembro de 2021
26 de novembro de 2021
今日は日本の方言について話をしてみます。日本は山が多いので、特に方言が多いのではないかと思いますが、どう思いますか? Today I talked about dialects in Japan. We have so many different dialects in Japan, but I think it's because we have so many mountains (73% of the land) in Japan.
Canal de Podcast
Akari Talks Japan
Todos os episódios
The 5 Day Study Routine You Need to Improve Your English and Learn New Vocabulary
10 de agosto de 2022
I have too much on my plate to study English today! Learn the idiom "to have a lot on my plate"
2 de agosto de 2022
Don't ask around to learn how to use the verb! Instead listen to Stairway to English and learn 8 phrasal verbs using the verb "Ask"
30 de julho de 2022
Tongue Twisters Series: Practice English intonation and the sounds B, TT, C, Cl, Cr, Sc
28 de julho de 2022
Tongue Twisters Series: Practice English intonation and the sounds P, W, Ch, S, Sh
26 de julho de 2022
😱😱 "Your over there!" "Their coming over for dinner!" 😱😱 Use your, you're and there, their, they're correctly instead of making these mistakes!
23 de julho de 2022
Are you everywhere, nowhere, somewhere, or anywhere?! Learn the difference between these 4 words!
21 de julho de 2022
Correctly use adjectives in sentences by learning the 8 levels!
20 de julho de 2022
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Stairway to English: Short easy to understand episodes to improve your English grammar and fluency
The 5 Day Study Routine You Need to Improve Your English and Learn New Vocabulary
Stairway to English: Short easy to understand episodes to improve your English grammar and fluency
I have too much on my plate to study English today! Learn the idiom "to have a lot on my plate"
Stairway to English: Short easy to understand episodes to improve your English grammar and fluency
Don't ask around to learn how to use the verb! Instead listen to Stairway to English and learn 8 phrasal verbs using the verb "Ask"
Stairway to English: Short easy to understand episodes to improve your English grammar and fluency
Tongue Twisters Series: Practice English intonation and the sounds B, TT, C, Cl, Cr, Sc
Stairway to English: Short easy to understand episodes to improve your English grammar and fluency
Tongue Twisters Series: Practice English intonation and the sounds P, W, Ch, S, Sh
Stairway to English: Short easy to understand episodes to improve your English grammar and fluency
😱😱 "Your over there!" "Their coming over for dinner!" 😱😱 Use your, you're and there, their, they're correctly instead of making these mistakes!
Stairway to English: Short easy to understand episodes to improve your English grammar and fluency
Are you everywhere, nowhere, somewhere, or anywhere?! Learn the difference between these 4 words!
Stairway to English: Short easy to understand episodes to improve your English grammar and fluency
Correctly use adjectives in sentences by learning the 8 levels!