Ronaldo Cabral
My best friend is Jefferson, we have known each other when I moved for the apartment where he lives, so We both likes to play soccer then we have became friends since that.
16 de jun de 2021 15:42
Correções · 4
My best friend is called Jefferson and we have known each other since I moved into the apartment where he lives. We both like to play soccer so we have become friends from that.
16 de junho de 2021
My best friend is Jefferson. We met each other when I moved into his apartment (block?). We both like to play soccer and have been friends ever since.
Hope this helps :)
16 de junho de 2021
My best friend is Jefferson, we have known each other since I moved to the apartment where he has been living, so We both like to play soccer then (or "that is why") we have became friends.
Well done, Ronaldo!
16 de junho de 2021
My best friend is Jefferson, we have known each other since I moved into the apartments where he lives, we both like to play soccer and we have become friends because of that.
19 de junho de 2021
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