阿穆尔 (ā mù ěr)
1. The city is very shabby, but it looks very amorous. 2. I just passed by to have a look (I told the boss when I was visiting the store). 3. Mandarin Chinese has four tones, namely... 4. Where did you go to Mongolia this time? 5. Do I need tickets for Terzilegi Park? 6. They just teach students to read Mongolian textbooks in primary schools. This way of learning is boring and they can't learn anything. 7. Some dialects of Chinese are quite different from Mandarin, such as Cantonese. 8. Do you usually exercise? 9. You can see the whole picture of the city from here. 10. We choose a topic before each class, and then chat around it.
6 de set de 2024 03:08
Respostas · 1
The city is very shabby, but it looks very friendly. (amorous is usually used to describe the behaviour of people who are in love.) I’m just browsing. / I’m just having a look round. 3. Ok Where did you go to in Mongolia this time? 5. Ok They just use Mongolian textbooks in primary school. This is boring and students don’t learn anything. 7. Ok 8. Ok You can see the whole view of the city from here . We choose a topic before each class and then chat about it .
6 de set de 2024 08:02
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阿穆尔 (ā mù ěr)
Habilidades linguísticas
Chinês (Mandarim), Chinês (Cantonês), Chinês (Hakka), Chinês (Taiwan), Inglês, Japonês, Mongol, Uigur, Uzbeque
Idioma de aprendizado
Chinês (Cantonês), Chinês (Hakka), Chinês (Taiwan), Inglês, Japonês, Mongol, Uigur, Uzbeque