Fortunately, as a student, it is necessary to organize every simple day and make sure what is important to prioritize because students’ lives are full of troubles!!
I think a student, fortunately, understand very well what I mean by troubles .😁
Normally my weekends are often horrible and I will face bigger challenges every sample weekend. I know it is hard. But I appreciate very well that I will take responsibility for my choices. Every sample choice I make at the moment. For sure it’s affecting on my future..🤞🏻🤞🏻
In the morning early I will start a class with my teacher, maybe it seems funny for you guys but it’s true. My teacher has forced me if will improve my English, so I have to show up on my computer screen and attend the class. The class is very necessary because such a class is a good reason that I wanna get up early in the morning. 😉