Is your country making any changes to combat global warming? Yes, we are trying. In my opinion, our country Japan is still behind compared to the other countries. Our government mentioned that promising reducing plastic materials since last year. In result, our daily life has changed nicely. For example, we could get a plastic bag when we go to the grocery store or any shops freely but now we have to pay for it if we need it. Also, some coffee shop has started to not use plastic cups or straws for reducing one use plastics. Some shops also offer a discount if we bring own mug or bottle so they could reduce it as well. Could anyone edit my sentences more natural?
8 de nov de 2021 04:52
Respostas · 2
Is your country making any changes to combat global warming? Yes, we are trying. In my opinion, our country Japan is still behind compared to other countries. Last year, our government promised to reduce plastic materials. As a result, our daily life have improved greatly. For example, we used to get plastic bags from the grocery stores and any shops freely. But now we have to pay for it if we need it. Also, some coffee shops have stopped using plastic cups and straws in order to reduce plastic waste. Some shops even offer a discount if we bring our own mug or bottles. Hope this helps!
8 de novembro de 2021
Is your country making any changes to combat global warming? Yes, we are trying. In my opinion, my country Japan, is still behind compared to the other countries. Our government mentioned reduction of plastic materials since last year. In result, our daily lives have changed nicely. For example, we would get a plastic bag when we go to the grocery store or any shops freely but now we have to pay for it if we need it. Also, some coffee shops have started not to use plastic cups or straws for reducing the excessive use of plastics. Some shops also offer a discount if we bring our own mug or bottle so they could reduce it as well. Could anyone edit my sentences more natural?
8 de novembro de 2021
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