Tutor da Comunidade
English tutor Alice here! Do you want to learn how to speak American English like they do in the US?
11 de set de 2024 20:23
Respostas · 2
12 de set de 2024 07:13
You could try! But I doubt I could ever turn chance and dance (chaaarrnce/daaarrncce? tʃɑːns/ ) into that short A that they do in the US and the north of England /tʃæns/) . I'll try it. Wait. "Chaaaarrnnce ... Chaaaarrnce" Nope! Still coming out really long! .... aaaaarrrgh! And "travelling" looks really weird to me with only one L. Traveling? Nope! Looks too short! Short trip not a long one? Ha ha! Mind you, I had a boyfriend from Texas, once upon a time, and he could drag out some words longer than I could! Wonderful accent! Sort of slurred everything. Sounded drunk even when he wasn't. Oh! The memories of times gone by!
12 de set de 2024 09:16
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